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Image by Alvin Mahmudov

Tips for building your child’s self-esteem

Model good self-esteem.

Express through your actions and words that you respect yourself. Share what makes you happy.  Boost your own self-esteem if you need to.

Talk about life and the world in positive terms.

Even though there is negativity in the world, don’t dwell on it with your child.

Plan for “down time” for your child.

Allow time for relaxing and “hanging out” as opposed to over scheduling time.

Create a workable bedtime routine.

Allow opportunities for a child to contribute to the family.

Give your child a job that only he/she does for the family. Even a small job can create a feeling of competence and build confidence.

Give encouragement not praise.

This can be tricky.  Encouragement gives a child the internal desire to learn, achieve, explore, and solve problems instead of looking for external praise from others.

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