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Do you want your children to be at peace?

To enjoy each present moment and not rush to the next thing with anxiety? What is it that you model for them?

With your car keys in your hand do you shout, "Hurry, we will be late!"

Someone has lost one shoe, "Where is the shoe?" "Where did you take them off?"

My anxiety was rising even as I wrote that. Deep breath. How well I remember! As a result of this crazy morning, everyone is stressed and anxious. This awful feeling comes over the children and lingers for you and the children for quite some time. A mindful approach may mean that you will be a few minutes behind schedule. Is it catastrophic if that happens? Could one say, "Melody has lost a shoe, let's help her find it."

The best time to address this hectic life complications and schedule is to prepare beforehand. Meet as a family. Discuss the expectations. Come up with solutions together. There is no need to come up with punishments as you can expect for the plan to work. Your expectation of the positive result will greatly influence the outcome.

What do you model? Late for a meeting? Do you run through the house looking for something you were sure you had put by the door to take along? Could you have crammed too many things into the schedule? Children are watching! You are their model. If you need to take a course on being mindful? You are in luck. There are ways to do this. Deep breaths, Yoga, meditation, mindfulness training etc. Find what works for you.


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