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Dear Parents 

I didn’t expect to create a business when I started telling, writing, and recording stories. In fact, I didn’t create a business, my daughter did.


My mother was a storyteller. Not a professional one, but a mom who engaged me in her experiences of life by telling me short stories. Stories that gave me a glimpse into the past and, while being entertaining, provided a moral lesson without stating that moral lesson, but one that was sometimes implied. I listened as history and biographies and even architecture were woven gently into my family’s past experiences. The ocean voyages, the orphanage, the Christmases, the 1920’s beach picnics stimulated my imagination and held my attention.


Stories enrich our lives; stories teach and stories about oneself help others to know you on a deeper level. Stories engage the imagination, inspire, motivate and give insight and build closeness.


I told stories to my students and found that they began to tell me stories. They learned, not just that a story had a beginning, middle and end, but had characters that were relatable. They learned that nature that could be experienced through one’s imagination. They learned that they could make one another and the teacher laugh or be sad for them or be encouraged by them. They learned to share themselves in a way that allowed them to feel valued and to value one another.


Tell your children stories. Ask grandparents to tell stories. Encourage communication of experiences so that you may know your children and they come to know you.

Thank you for visiting this website. I hope you will share your stories and experiences with us. 



Joy Frost

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