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Original Audio Stories for Children

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I think every parent should have one - we have used for over a 6 months - the music that they set the story to is beautiful and Ms. Joy who reads/wrote the story has wonderful gentle story to tell! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!

Sharon, South Carolina


These stories, voiced over soft, soothing, original background music, are found to be especially effective to calm a child’s mind. Mindfulness practiced over time reduces anxiety and is highly effective at bedtime or a time of rest.



Joyful Stories For Kids

for Apple Devices or for Android Devices

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Download your favorite Joyful Stories for Kids title below for $1.05 per title.


Believe In Yourself is a story of a sea turtle who struggles to overcome obstacles to reach the ocean from its sandy nest. This story models the skills children can use to overcome obstacles in their own lives. Children use the turtle's affirming example, "I believe in myself", to develop a strong belief in their own abilities.


Through “Believe In Yourself” a child learns:


  • That using confidence-building words, i.e. "I believe in myself” can help when a situation calls for courage.

  • That through thinking and listening to her/his inner voice, a child can solve a problem.

  • To focus on the positive in his/her life.

  • Factual information about sea turtles.

Buddy Finds Peace is the story of an impressionable golden retriever puppy, Buddy, and an aggressive Jack Russell terrier, Buster. Buddy learns to develop values and, in doing so, becomes an example that makes a positive change in the lives of the dogs in his neighborhood, especially Buster. A child learns to use Buddy's example to deal with others who are more aggressive than himself/herself. 

Through “Buddy Finds Peace” a child learns:

  • That being afraid of something that may harm you is normal.

  • That telling someone about your fear is helpful.

  • That having courage does not mean that one is never afraid.Having courage means being afraid but doing something anyway.

  • Factual information about dogs.

The Butterfly's Whisper is a story about a small bird that learns to fly by using positive messages and inner resources. Children relate to this tiny creature and use the bird's positive approach as a model for achievement in their own lives. Children love to repeat the affirming messages "I trust myself" and "I like myself."


Through “The Butterfly's Whisper” a child learns:

  • That it's fine to do things differently.

  • To use the affirming words "I trust myself." to encourage himself or herself.

  • That asking experts for advice is a good idea.

  • That it is possible to accomplish a goal through one’s own inner strength.

  • That an ‘I can do it’ attitude leads to achievement.

Samantha and Starlight is the story of a young girl with great confidence, determination and a strong belief in how to take charge of a situation. She works towards the positive outcome of what she desires.  Samantha’s belief in herself and her love for Starlight, a beautiful, chocolate-brown foal, models for children the power of their own inner strength.


Through “Samantha and Starlight” a child learns:

  • To stay focused on a goal in spite of disappointments.

  • That practice and determination pay off in goal achievement.

  • To look at previous achievements in order to encourage himself/herself to achieve their current goals.

  • Factual information about horses.

The Successful Journey is the story of the bond of friendship between a dolphin and a clown fish. Children learn by the dolphin's example to accept their own special talents and those of others. The success of these two friends leads to a greater acceptance of self, while at the same time encouraging a child to work toward greater achievement.

Through “The Successful Journey” a child learns:
That it is important to cooperate with family members.
To accept oneself and appreciate the differences in others.
To listen to his/her inner voice.
To share her/his ideas and feelings in order to make changes in his/her life.
Factual information about dolphins.


Lucky, a newborn squirrel, falls from a tree before he is ready to survive on his own. He is rescued by Lauren, a nature loving eight year old, and is nurtured until he is well and capable of living on his own in his natural habitat. A child can relate to Lucky's dilemma, as he must endure shots and a hospital stay to restore good health. Lucky's example provides a model for a child to accept doctor's visits; hospital stays and the illness of loved ones. 

Through “Lucky Goes To The Hospital” a child learns:
That having empathy for all creatures is important.
That hospital care and doctor visits are necessary for good health.
That providing care for a loved one is rewarding.
That good health can be restored with good care.
Factual information about squirrels and trees.

Under The Lily Pad is the story of a community of frogs, fish and other wonderful pond creatures. The main character, a curious frog, explores what life is like living in a diverse community. The frog models for a child the importance of family and to appreciate that all creatures must learn to cooperate. 

Through “Under The Lily Pad” a child learns:
To get along with others despite their differences.
The importance of family in our lives.
To trust their own instincts.
That every creature has inner wisdom.
Factual information about frogs.

Discouraged and disappointed by a family move to a new neighborhood, Koda, a white cat, learns that he can make friends and become comfortable as he learns to accept the differences in his new neighborhood. A child can learn to accept change (a move, a new teacher, new friends) as a natural part of life and that he/she has a role in how the change is accepted.

Through “Koda’s New Neighborhood” a child learns:
That change is a fact of life.
That it is okay to feel sad about having to make a change.
That making friends is a process that helps to make change acceptable.
That over time changes can be positive.
That one can comfort oneself.
Factual information about cats


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